Sunday 8 September 2013

Representations of myself

Using the website, UK Tribes, I am able to create a representation of myself that others may see when they look at me. I have established that I am a 'CREATIVE' due to the fact that I like to indulge myself in the culture of the arts. I like to find inspiration from original places, whether its a city or a art gallery. I get pleasure from seeking out to make and immerse myself in original content. The UK Tribes website defines this tribe as: "Creatives are motivated by the desire to produce original content and pursue their dreams as a ‘career creative’ – it’s not just a hobby, it’s a way of life."

Although I have found out that I can fit myself into a number of other tribes as well, different aspects of these tribes I feel like they really relate to me.

The next tribe I can put myself into the category of is 'YOUNG ALTS', the UK Tribes website defines this group of people: "Open-minded and non-judgmental, Young Alts have their eyes and ears open to different genres and scenes – both new and old…" I like to immerse myself into past cultures that many people today don't really get to experience such as listening to music on vinyl. I would class myself as being very open-minded as I do like to experience new things and I will try new things to see whether I like them or not, I'm not one to make snap judgements. It also says on the UK Tribes website that "Young Alts are the Tribe for young people who ‘want out’ of the mainstream. It’s an entry-level Tribe, with equal split between the sexes, and members share an inquisitiveness for everything Alternative – from Grunge to Hardcore." And I totally relate to this because I am someone that goes out of their way to make sure I stand out from the crowd, because I have quite a quieter personality than some people I like to express my personality through what I wear, so I do experiment with what I wear and generate interesting looks with mainly vintage clothes. The brands that I relate to and are associated with Young Alts are NME and Urban Outfitters as I think they cater to my interests. It also says that "Individuality is key for the Young Alts" and that includes music, I enjoy finding new music that not many people listen to as it makes me feel special that I've found them. 

The next and final category I think I fall into to is 'INDIE SCENESTERS' because of the fact that I enjoy finding new music and also the description of what this tribe wears is what I would describe myself "Boys and girls are rocking similar looks – skinny jeans, vintage and Converse/Vans. Their high street staples focus around the functional and unisex – Uniqlo, Cheap Mondays and American Apparel." I do tend to wear more vintage clothes nowadays because I think it gives people an opportunity to really express themselves and not worry whether someone is wearing the same flowery blouse as you. 

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